Photo Credit: Every Angle Photography (OAPN 2021 – The Dancing Wheels Company)
Ohio Arts Professionals Network (OAPN) is a member based organization whose mission is to support and grow the touring Arts & Culture industry in Ohio.
We celebrate all of the voices, perspectives, and experiences of those who make Arts & Culture their life’s work. We actively welcome all people as part of the OAPN community regardless of race, socioeconomic class, color, national origin, religion, diverse perspectives, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, neurological or physical ability, veteran status, legal status, or education level.
OAPN’s core values stem directly from our Members who:
- Enhance communities through the arts
- Gain valuable best business practices through educational opportunities
- Connect with a diverse network of arts professionals
- Advocate for the Arts & Culture industry in Ohio
- Attend our Conference
To develop and share information on the selection, promotion, and presentation of the performing arts.
To facilitate bringing presenters and artists together in the best interests of the performing arts.
To provide opportunities for professional development.
To provide services to the Membership, including organizing meetings and workshops; providing unique profiles for members through the website, offering networking and communication opportunities, and other services.
OAPN will be the premier member organization in the state of Ohio that artists, agents, and presenters go to when participating in the touring arts industry.
Founded in 1960, OAPN is a professional association that provides a forum for developing business relationships, partnerships, and cooperative ventures among organizations that present arts and entertainment programming as well as performers, arts service organizations, and artist management agencies doing business in Ohio and nearby states.
1960 – OAPN was formed by a group of university-based arts administrators as a non-profit, 501(c) 3 organization.
1980 – Incorporated as the Ohio Regional Association of Concert and Lecture Enterprises (ORACLE).
1988 – Our annual Showcase Conference began.
1991 – At an October Annual Meeting, the membership voted to change the organization’s name to Ohio Arts Presenters Network (OAPN) & voted to include Artists and Managements as full members with voting rights. Prior to this only Presenters had these rights.
1992 – OAPN began working in partnership with the Ohio Arts Council in the coordination of the Dance on Tour project, which was funded through FY2003.
During FY2000-08 we worked in partnership with the Ohio Arts Council on the Faith-Based Institution tour, currently known as IMPACT (International Music and Performing Arts in Communities Tour).
2001 – OAPN developed our website: www.oapn.org. A re-design was done in 2010.
2010 – Celebrated our 50th year anniversary as an organization and held the 23rd Annual Showcase Conference in Columbus.
2015 – Hosted our Conference in Sandusky, OH
2016 – Hosted our Conference in Sandusky, OH
2017 – Officially changed bylaws to move from annual conference to biennial conference held on even years.
2018 – Officially changed our name from the Ohio Arts Presenters Network to the Ohio Arts Professionals Network and hosted our Conference in Dayton, OH
2020 – Celebrated our 60th year anniversary as an organization and planned to host our Conference in Cleveland which was unfortunately postponed due to COVID-19.
2020 – Launched our new and improved website catered towards our Members, as well as our virtual “Tuesday Talks” series. From October-November, OAPN hosted a virtual “Artist Spotlight” to highlight our 25 selected showcase artists in lieu of a Conference. OAPN updated its 3-year strategic plan, Bylaws, Board Manual.
2021 – Hosted a 130 in-person Conference in Cleveland, OH at Playhouse Square
2022 – Hosted our largest-to-date in-person Conference in Toledo, OH at the Glass City Convention Center, Renaissance Hotel, and The Valentine Theatre.
2023 – Hired our first second staff member, a part-time Membership Coordinator thanks to generous funding from the Ohio Arts Council.